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I just dreaded school this whole week. I know that sounds like a broken record but I did. I need tomorrow to get here so at least the dread will go away. It's so stressful. I did have a lot of random things go on this week so I was distracted a little.
Friday I had dog kennels poured. That was a project he was working on and had already talked about so I did it. Since the kennels were already coming I had the guys doing it pour a walkway to my front door as well. It's never mattered but now so many people stop by (which is nice) that sometimes my underwear are in the laundry room in front of unsuspecting folks. Haha. You have to go through it if you come in through the garage so I'm hoping the walkway will be a deterrent for garage entry now. I did wonder how many people would judge my walkway and kennels as me "just spending money" so I didn't tell anyone except a handful of people. It wouldn't matter that we had talked about it and planned accordingly. That is a frustrating thing to worry about. Why does it matter to people? These aren't people who worry about me financially. People who know me well worry about that the least. It's just talking. It happens everywhere so I know y'all know what I mean.
I also decided to go ahead and buy myself a new vehicle. This is not a decision I made lightly. We had talked for a year about getting something bigger while going through options. We knew what we wanted so when I decided to take the plunge it was easy as far as that was concerned. I still have all of the same reasons for needing it other than one person being in it. We had been putting money back for it and planned to purchase right after the kids got out of school. It just took me a little longer. It is a huge change since I've driven the same car for 15 years and I HATE to spend money. I really do. All jokes aside, it breaks my heart. Lol. I spent Friday evening at the dealership. It was my first big purchase alone. They did have to transfer a vehicle so I couldn't pick it up until Monday but everything was handled Friday. It was a little stressful but it went great. The only thing I didn't get was black wheels and since anyone who knows TJ knows how big of a deal that would be to him I'm going to spend the little bit extra and get some so we can have exactly what we wanted. I do what I can. 😀
Saturday I went school shopping again with a friend and his kids. I learned school shopping is stressful no matter who you are. Haha. I had to pick up a gift card for one of my best friends' son since his party was the next day. Normally I'm the fun gifter but he's growing like a weed and needs lots of clothes and to throw away some toys like every other kid I know so I got what he needed. The party was the next day and my whole crew was there so I didn't freak out once. Even when it got rained out and the crowd packed inside I held it together. Okay, there was one time I laughed at a kid that fell down but I don't think that counts. And yes, it was funny. Had it been an adult I may have laughed even harder. Kid was fine by the way. I'm not heartless. Isn't the birthday boy precious? 💙
Monday was truck day! I'm not a bells and whistles kind of person but I do love the satellite radio. Of course it rained while I was driving it home. I learned the buttons and knobs real quick. Need those wipers! Lol. I was so apprehensive about spending the money on it that I couldn't get very excited about it. Sad I know. Plus I didn't post it anywhere because of people talking about my spending habits. I just didn't feel like justifying my purchase to a thousand different people. Even with all of that, Tuesday morning when the kids got home and L2 said, "Mom! It's like a spaceship in here. Dad would love this thing!," I managed to get excited.
I also found the best picture of a memory from 4 years ago on Timehop that day so it was an especially happy morning.
Yesterday I flooded my laundry room. I washed actual carpet that had been ripped out of the floor of my linen closet by someone who didn't even ask (it was fine and funny) because something had gotten spilled and soured. Carpet lets so many fibers go in the washer that it wouldn't drain. I figured out what to do last time this happened so that wasn't an issue. The issue was it was a 3 person job the last time and now there was just me. So I drained it. It flooded. I threw tons of clean towels in the floor to soak up dirty water. I cussed. I mopped. I cussed some more. I threw all the wet stuff in the mudsink, started washing loads of nasty wet stuff, and then I cussed a little more. Before you ask, yes, it did make me feel better.
After that catastrophe we had errands to run so we did those and got to L1's Open House about 5:45. We met all of his teachers and they seemed great. Since his aunt teaches at the school he's going to this year we're hoping that if he does have a bad day he can escape to her long enough to calm down and gather himself. He's pretty excited about that. I think he really is afraid he'll have a breakdown in front of people. It has happened once before and he hated it. Dinner and bed came quickly after all the Open House excitement. They have got to get on a normal schedule again. Ugh.
Today was L2's Open House. I wasn't worried about her at all. Her age makes her much more resilient the rest of us. It makes me sad for her every time I think about how much she won't remember but it also makes me glad that she isn't going through exactly what we are. She's a sun in the dark for me sometimes. We got school supplies together during the day so we were ready to go when it was time. I even managed to help a friend with some baby shower decorations. It's nice to help and have something productive to do.
Congrats on your new ride! After 15 years of being in the same one, you deserve it, no matter what! And ever feel bad about cussing...if I had a dime for every time I said, fuxk or any other cuss word, I'd be wealthy!#noshame ; )
ReplyDeleteRight? I'm not an alcoholic, a drug addict, or anything that could wind up killing me. I cuss. It's my one vice and I do it accordingly so you won't hear me swearing in church. Haha. And thank you! It is nice to be in something dependable. Also, I've found another perk that I'm so excited about: air conditioned seats. Those seats are leather and it's hot in the south so it's an excellent feature. Also scorched the backs of my legs twice. 😂
DeleteAir conditioned seats!...what?...now I'm jealous...because I burn my leg on the leather seats just about everyday, lmao!!! And you're one up on me because I did cuss at church the other week...I said, "OH shit!", When I almost fell on the uneven parking lot...lol...my son was so embarrassed! And then last weekend we were on his jet ski that he just saved up for and I screamed a ton of bad words by the time we got back to the dock...thankfully, he thought it was funny then...being as it was HIS fault! LoL ...pshhh...boys! Right?!
DeleteAir conditioned seats!...what?...now I'm jealous...because I burn my leg on the leather seats just about everyday, lmao!!! And you're one up on me because I did cuss at church the other week...I said, "OH shit!", When I almost fell on the uneven parking lot...lol...my son was so embarrassed! And then last weekend we were on his jet ski that he just saved up for and I screamed a ton of bad words by the time we got back to the dock...thankfully, he thought it was funny then...being as it was HIS fault! LoL ...pshhh...boys! Right?!
DeleteOh. I think I found your blog by someone reposting something your mom wrote on FB. I saw at the end that you had a blog and I LOVE blogs! I actually had a blog from 2010_2014 qnd then it got hacked and I lost FOUR years worth of posts. Thankfully, I saved some posts by printing them. And then I started a new blog but then forgot the password...BUT just this past year I started my third blog and have tried to keep up. My laptop quit working in May so it's been hard to keep up by just having a phone and tablet...but you can check it out if you like... itsheykbelly.wordpress.com it's kind of sad though...I have crohns and it's a pretty severe case...ive had to be in icu five times since May. It's good to write about the hard times...but I have family who read my blog and I know that they hate reliving things...and I hate other people having to read such depressing posts. I know it's not about them...but maybe you can relate?
ReplyDeleteI can. I warn folks. I always start off a bad one by saying it's a bad one. lol. I feel bad if I don't. After that it's read at your own risk.
DeleteLove the car, and I hope the littles have settled into their school routine. And kids falling down is almost always funny 😂
ReplyDeleteI got the nastiest look from a mom that wasn't even that kids mom! I was just like, "Falls are funny. What?" lol. An thank you! I have gotten attached to those a/c seats and the satellite radio. I feel like a brat. We don't spoil ourselves much as you know.